Vishnu Vishal who is a part of the film Aranya/Haathi Mere Saathi has announced that he is going to marry Jwala Gutta soon. This happened at an event held for Haathi Mere Saathi in the city. In the event, he said that he is going to be a Telugu alludu (son-in-law). The film has Rana Daggubati in the lead role. It is directed by Prabhu Solomon. Vishnu Vishal who is known for his movie, Ratsasan also thanked Jwala for her support. He said, "I want to thank Jwala. She was of huge support to me throughout." It seems she was present even when the movie was being filmed. He said that they will reveal the marriage date soon.
In September 2020, he announced that he is engaged to Jwala Gutta. It was her birthday when he popped the question. Vishnu Vishal has a son from his previous marriage. He wrote on Instagram, "Happy birthday @jwalagutta1
New start to LIFE..Lets be positive and work towards a better future for us,Aryan,our families,friends and people around..Need all your love n blessings guys..#newbeginnings...thank you @jainbasanth for arranging a ring in d middle of d night...#EngagementRingJugaad."
Vishnu Vishal suffered a bad patch after his first marriage ended in divorce. He also went into depression. He told India Today after his split, "One thing I have realised is that there are no certainties. Anything can happen anytime. The one thing I thought was pucca was my marriage. That is not there anymore." He had married Rajini in 2011. The couple's relationship ended due to compatibility issues. He had said, "You can't force anyone. I can't digest [that it ended]. But I must. For the good of my son... (pause)... and hers. I seriously like her even today, and I know she likes me back. She is a good person, and she knows I am too. But I think, sometimes, the universe doesn't want you to be together."
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