Bollywood badshah Shah Rukh Khan's daughter Suhana is painting the town red with her stunning pictures. The actress recently flaunted her perfectly toned figure in a purple bodycon dress with a high neck. She tied her hair into a high ponytail and glammed her look with a gold chain, earrings, and bracelets. Suhana took to her Instagram on Monday and shared a series of pictures wherein she was seen enjoying her day out in New York with her friends.
Amidst a beautiful backdrop of Manhattan, Suhana was seen posing for the lenses. She captioned the pictures as, "Peaches and the big apple". Her friends flooded her comments section as they could not get over her beauty in the pictures. One of her friends wrote, "I love u so much," while the other one wrote, "You are so so stunning".
Take a look at her pictures...
Suhana is leaving no stones unturned in making heads turn with her stylish photos. The star kid is currently studying at NYU and aspires to become an actor. Suhana has an impeccable fashion sense and carries every outfit with much ease.
The gorgeous actress last year gained everyone's attention with her powerful post. In the post, she had mentioned about the bullying that she faces due to her dark skin tone. "I've been told I'm ugly because of my skin tone, by full-grown men and women, since I was 12 years old," she captioned the post.
Suhana is the second child of Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan. She is a sister to brother Aryan and AbRam.
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