Roohi, which is due to release later this month has Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor in lead roles. Now, the makers are ready with the second track. It is going to come out today. Dressed in a golden outfit, Janhvi Kapoor is all set to take our hearts away. The song is Nadiyon Paar. If that does not ring a bell, let us remind you of Let The Music Play. Yes, Shamur's song caught the imagination of everyone when it first released in 2004. The lyrics Nadiyon Paar Sajjan Da Thana were a rage all over. Producer Dinesh Vijan who is a music buff is very particular about the music in his movies.
The good part is that the old singer is a part of the reworked song. Music composers Sachin-Jigar told MiD-Day, "Let the music play is a cult tune, and the opportunity to present this song to a new generation was irresistible. Nadiyon paar absorbs the elements that made the original so special. We've sprinkled a bit of Roohi's magic to bring that tadka." Shamur, Rashmeet Kaur and IP Singh have lent their voices for the new version. Well, Shamur is a music group founded by a couple of Italian producers. Their music has a variety of genres.
The promotions of the new song are being done by the team. We have seen them asking fans to guess which song it is. Well, the song is one classic that we loved singing and grooving to in our younger days. We hope that the remake is an inventive one. Remakes are the buzzword now. There are talks of how OO Jaane Jana is going to be remade for Time To Dance. The film features Sooraj Pancholi and Isabelle Kaif. Fans have mixed feelings about this. What do you have to say about this remake?
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