A couple of weeks ago, Kangana Ranaut had declared that she has raw talent like Oscar winning-actress Meryl Streep, and skilled action capabilities and glamour like Gal Gadot. She also went on to say that she is a better stunt performer than Tom Cruise and left netizens in splits. And now Kangana has compared herself with Sridevi claiming that she became the only actress after the legendary actress to do comedy in the film industry.
"I was stuck in edgy/neurotic roles, this film changed the trajectory of my career, was my entry in to mainstream that too with comedy, with Queen and Datto I strengthened my comic timing and became the only actress after legendary SriDevi ji to do comedy #10yearsoftanuwedsmanu," Kangana Ranaut tweeted.
However, her assertion that came on Thursday, which marks 10 years of release of her hit romantic comedy, Tanu Weds Manu, left netizens in splits with her claim. They began sharing hilarious memes saying that this tweet was indeed funny on many levels.
? Koi sense he,nonsense ? pic.twitter.com/30Sc5LEAY0
Troll Hrithik Haters (@TrollHRHaters1) February 25, 2021
Perfect role pic.twitter.com/mXtltNDlIZ
Shabbeer Syed (@shabby_Rabu) February 25, 2021
Sharm kr pagal aurat pic.twitter.com/wlZIfAvuSJ
(@Piyushk_yadav) February 25, 2021
Siri (@HeyySiriii) February 25, 2021
Kyun thaak rai hai? ??? pic.twitter.com/9wz2au6ii5
AN (@marigold3007) February 25, 2021
Earlier, after comparing herself with Meryl Streep and Gal Gadot, Kangana had stated that she is "open for debate if anyone can show me more range and brilliance of craft than me by any other actress on this planet."
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