Parineeti Chopra's The Girl On The Train recently released. In a video shared by Netflix India, the actress said that she has never been on a date. "I have never been on a date. Like, I am not into cliched dates. It's like, 'Come home, we will chill, watch TV and order food.' Very casual," said Parineeti. The actress also revealed that her first kiss was at the age of 18. Have a look at the vidoe below:
In a past interview to Filmfare, Parineeti spoke about what things she doesn't like being an actor. She said, "That you're supposed to switch on and off instantly. Like, two days ago, I was on an international flight. I hadn't slept for two days. I was curled up in my blanket fast asleep. Suddenly, I felt someone waking me up. I came out of my blanket to see this mother with her daughter asking me for a photograph. I told her I was sleeping and I'd meet them when we landed. She made a face and left. I was like, how dare you do this? First, you've disturbed my sleep, now you'll go around saying I refused to click a picture with you. Maybe, I've lost that one fan. But was it my fault? No."
She added, "This is the thing that gets to me the most about being an actor. That you must fake it no matter what. You're taken for granted. I remember I was getting my security check done at an airport. I was removing my shoes and this aunty comes over, holds my hands and clicks a selfie. And I'm like 'Ma'am let me at least wear my shoes'."
She also said it encroaching on someone's personal space is not good. "Our professional life is out there. Personally, if you want to know who I am dating, to a certain extent that is allowed. But when you're with us in person, there's absolutely no respect for the people we are. They don't even ask before taking pictures. I saw that video of Katrina (Kaif) and that fan who took advantage of the situation. I know what it feels like to be on a world tour, the kind of fatigue... And after that if by chance you decline a fan a picture, thinking maybe you're not looking your best, the fans go, 'Boo! I don't want to take a picture with you'. You can't behave like that. Social media has given too much power to everyone. People have started behaving badly. It's getting out of control."
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