Bollywood actress Yami Gautam is one of the rare outsiders, who carved her own niche in the entertainment industry with her acting mettle. While the gorgeous lady is currently busy with multiple projects, the Vicky Donor star recently opened up about the accident that left her with a permanent injury. Recalling it, the Yami told BT, "It happened one morning when I was heading to the university in Chandigarh. I was on the highway riding my two-wheeler when the car ahead gave the wrong signal. The driver signalled that she would be going right, but instead, turned left and knocked me down. The car sped away without stopping. It was very quick and too sudden to register what had happened. I am thankful that I was wearing my helmet. I was unable to move and could have been run over by another passing vehicle. However, a man pulled over and helped me get back on my feet."
She added, "This accident happened during winter, and you know, up north we have to wear many layers of clothes. Thanks to the weather, I was wearing multiple layers, and thus, it saved me from any external injuries. I had no scars and bruises, however, the accident left me with an internal injury. The doctors told me it was a fracture in the neck. At that point, I realised how serious the injury was, especially when they told me that I would never be able to work out in my life. Back then, I wanted to be an IAS officer."
Yami revealed that the injury has resurfaced many times due to her current profession and said, "The minute you had to be in five-inch heels and run around too much, the pain would resurface. I obviously want to be professional, be on my toes and be able to do all kinds of activities, so through the years, I have been taking precautions to avoid a relapse."
The actress elaborated, "I want to tell people that they should not judge anyone on the basis of their physical appearance. Someone might appear fit, but you don't know whether they are deficient in something. Everybody has their own battles to fight. Subjects like these are something that we are very scared of addressing. We are all apprehensive of sharing such things, but I took a step ahead. I want people to read it and connect with it. No one wants to know what is going on within, but it is fine to open up about your flaws and show that they can be worked upon."
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