Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli were blessed with a baby girl, Vamika on January 11. There have been quite a few celeb babies in the first four months, but she was the first to arrive. Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli were spotted at the airport with baby Vamika. While the cricketer held on the baby's pram, Anushka carried her in her arms. Vamika was covered with a baby wrap so that no one manages to click her pictures. After her birth, the couple sent a hamper to the media requesting them to grant privacy to their baby girl. The team played a few matches in Ahmedabad, and is now headed to Pune. Check out the video below...
We can see Hardik Pandya with his son, Agastya. Natasa Stankovic is behind him. Yuzvendra Chahal and his wife Dhanashree are also there. Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli also have a couple of staff members with them. We can see that Virat has his eyes on his family. The name Vamika is of Goddess Durga. It originates from Vama, which is one of the names of Lord Shiva. It is a known fact that the couple are quite God-fearing and religious. This is how fans reacted on the family pics...
#Virushka had almost broken up and now they have their own little family! ?
Idk what can be more beautiful than this. ? #Vamika #ViratKohli #AnushkaSharma
KING KOHLI ? | #SSRLivesOn ? (@ViratObsessed) March 22, 2021
Daddy Kohli ??#indvseng #viratkohli #virat #kohli #kingkohli #anushkasharma #king #captain #ict #indiancricketteam #indiancricket #bcci #rohitsharma #msdhoni #cricketfever #superv
Piyush Madaan (@vkfanclub_18) March 21, 2021
We can see that Anushka has her eyes on her child. The lady did a photoshoot with Vogue when she was seven months pregnant. She has spoken about how she wants a very normal childhood for her baby. She said that Virat Kohli and she are sure that they want to raise a child who is respectful and conscious about the environment.
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