Ankita Lokhande who faced a lot of trolls after the demise of former boyfriend, Sushant Singh Rajput has opened up in an interview to Bollywood Bubble. She has spoken about a lot of things. Ankita Lokhande said that she was finished after her split from him. The actress also revealed that she was suicidal as there would be days when she would just stay in bed without speaking a word to anyone. The lady also said that she rejected movies like Happy New Year and Bajirao Mastani as she wanted to marry Sushant Singh Rajput and set up a home. She said she was offered a dream debut in Happy New Year, but she let it go.
Ankita Lokhande told Bollywood Bubble, "I gave up on many things. I gave up on Happy New Year. I remember Farah ma'am offered me the film and I met Shah Rukh sir also. He was like, 'I will try to give you the best debut.' And I was like, okay, but at the back of my mind I was in Macau. Me, Sushant and Shah Rukh, we were sitting, and I was like, 'Bhagwan, mera na ho (God, I hope I don't get it).' Ladki kaisi hoti hai na, she always tries, 'Nahi yaar, mere partner ka achcha ho' (A girl always wants the best for her partner)."
The lady said that she also let go of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Bajirao Mastani and Goliyon Ki Raasleela: Ram Leela. It seems the master filmmaker called her up to offer her the movie. She said that Sanjay told her, "Kar le Bajirao varna yaad rakh, pachtayegi tu (Do Bajirao Mastani or you will regret it later).' He was literally praising me and Sanjay sir saying that is a very big thing. Then I was like, 'Nahi sir, mujhe shaadi karni hai (No, sir. I want to get married).' I still remember that and he did not have anything to say."
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