It is official! Mahesh Babu and Pawan Kalyan are all set to clash on Makar Sankranthi 2022. While it is still a year away, fans have gone crazy on social media. Sarkaari Vaari Paata and #PSPK27 are going to release together on the date. Mahesh Babu and his clashes on Makar Sankranthi are quite famous. Last year, we saw the mega clash of Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo and Sarileru Neekevaru at the box office. Mahesh Babu fans are damn excited for this new film. The handsome actor has a new look for the movie, where we will see him with longer hair. He has been working on it for a while now. The movie is going to be directed by Parsuram of Geetha Govindam fame.
On the other, Pawan Kalyan is teaming up with Krish for his 27th film. It is still an untitled venture. It is a historical drama set in the 17th century. The actor did a small schedule for the film before India entered into lockdown in 2020. A poster was also shared on Power Star Pawan Kalyan's 49th birthday. There is buzz that a couple of Bollywood actors are also a part of the project. Fans have gone mad thinking about the clash. Just check the Twitter reactions here...
Biggest Clash Ahead ???#PSPK27onSankranthi2022#SarkaaruVaariPaata@PawanKalyan @urstrulyMahesh
Mallikarjun (@pspk000012) February 28, 2021
My personal opinion, Sankranthi winner will be #SarkaaruVaariPaata Gut feeling ?
No offense to darling #Prabhas #PSPK27 obviously mingudhi le..
?? Chandu (@Chandu_1305) February 28, 2021
#Sankranthi2022 Waiting For??#SarkaaruVaariPaata RETWEET ???#PSPK27 LIKE ???#MaheshBabu #PawanKalyan#RadheShyam #VakeelSaab #RRRMovie #RRR #Acharya #Pushpa #SarkaruVaariPaata #Prabhas #Vijay #AlluArjun #KGFChapter2 #JrNtr #Adipurush #Salaar
Movie Mahal (@moviemahaloffl) February 28, 2021
Next Sankranthi ??#SarkaaruVaariPaata vs #PSPK27
Next Summer Gonna be ??#AA21 VS #Salaar
VICKY (@Vicky__3870) February 28, 2021
Pawan Kalyan and Mahesh Babu have two strong fandoms on social media. The excitement level is visible in the tweets.
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