It is Shruti Haasan's birthday today. The actress has turned 35 and to make the occasion even more special, Prabhas welcomed her on board Salaar, to be directed by Prashanth Neel (of KGF Chapter 1 fame). Salaar is an action thriller is going to be a multilingual film and will be made in Kannada and Telugu. Interestingly, while fans of Prabhas and Shruti have been excited about the latest announcement, a tweet by the Krack actress from 2017 has resurfaced. In the tweet, the actress had cleared the air around a rumour about her doing a Kannada film. In her tweet, Shruti Haasan had stated, "Clarifying that I have no plans of doing a Kannada film in the near future and have had no discussion with any1 regarding it either." Things have obviously changed ever since.
Clarifying that I have no plans of doing a Kannada film in the near future and have had no discussion with any1 regarding it either #rumor
shruti haasan (@shrutihaasan) October 7, 2017
However, the tweet is going viral as you read this. While Kannada film enthusiasts have been commenting on the tweet, welcoming Shruti into the club, there are trolls pointing out Shruti's tweet about 'no plans of doing a Kannada film'. There are tweets pointing out how it is a Kannada film, with Kannada production house with a Kannada director; and how Sandalwood and not any Telugu producer, who have her the chance to work with Prabhas. There are tweets calling out Shruti's hypocrisy for accepting a Kannada film 'now'. But amid all this hate, the actress has found support as well.
Thankfully, there are many fans underlining the fact that Shruti hadn't said anything offensive about doing Kannada film or the Kannada film industry and was just stating the status back then. Joining the pro-Shruti club are true-blue movie buffs as well, keeping tweets coming about how it is not a Kannada film but an Indian film film. Well, we can only hope that Shruti Haasan is able to shut down trolls and impress her Pan India fans through her outing with Prabhas and Prashanth Neel.
Meanwhile, there is also buzz that Prabhas and Prashanth Neel will start shooting for Salaar from Friday (January 29) onwards in Telangana. A huge set has been erected at the venue already and the crew has already been prepping to take the project on floor.
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