Sharman Joshi's father and Gujarati theatre actor Arvind Joshi passed away today morning at Nanavati hospital in Mumbai. While the reason behind his demise is still known, the last rites is expected to be announced soon. Vetreran actor Paresh Rawal mourned the demise of Arvind Joshi and wrote on Twitter, "Irreparable loss to Indian theatre; with grief we say goodbye to the noted actor Shri Arvind Joshi. A stalwart, a versatile actor, an accomplished thespian, are the words that come to mind when I think of his performances. My condolences to @TheShermanJoshi & family.AUM SHANTI."
Irreparable loss to Indian theatre; with grief we say goodbye to the noted actor Shri Arvind Joshi. A stalwart, a versatile actor, an accomplished thespian, are the words that come to mind when I think of his performances. My condolences to @TheShermanJoshi & family.AUM SHANTI
Paresh Rawal (@SirPareshRawal) January 29, 2021
Arvind Joshi, who featured in films like Sholay and Ittefaq and Apmaan Ki Aag, is survived by two children Sharman Joshi and Mansi Joshi Roy. His daughter is married to actor Rohit Roy. Arvind was the brother-in-law of actress Sarita Joshi and uncle of actress Ketki Dave, who garnered popularity for her role in Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi.
In a recent interview with IANS, Sharman Joshi said that he still feels like an outsider and said, "I understand that there is a certain monogamy of certain generations of families that have been in business, and tomorrow my children would enjoy the fruit of my presence in the Hindi cinema. I have established relationships with people, and they will get the advantage. It is about the time spent in the business and familiarity. There have been experiences and adventures that people share. I understand that but I do feel a little sorry for me sometimes, that I was not connected to a film industry family. I was born into a theatre family, though, so I have plenty of experience on that front."
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