Shah Rukh Khan was seen with son AbRam as they went to the airport to see off Suhana Khan. Photographer Viral Bhyani posted a video in which they can see seen in a swanky red car. Viral wrote on Instagram, "#shahrukhkhan came to drop his daughter #suhanakhan . But his bodyguard warned us not to do any flash photography, hence this video from a distance. You can also see his brand new red swanky wheels that he got along."
Have a look at the video below:
Reortedly, Suhana left for New York for her filmmaking studies. She was in Mumbai due to the Corornavirus pandemic.
Earlier, she shared some of the derogatory remarks, which she received from trolls on social media, who called her 'kaali and ugly'. She wrote, "There's a lot going on right now and this is one of the issues we need to fix!! this isn't just about me, it's about every young girl/boy who has grown up feeling inferior for absolutely no reason. Here are just a few of the comments made about my appearance. I've been told I'm ugly because of my skin tone, by full grown men and women, since I was 12 years old."
She went on to speak about how hating on your own people showed how insecure people are. "Other than the fact that these are actual adults, what's sad is that we are all indian, which automatically makes us brown - yes we come in different shades but no matter how much you try to distance yourself from the melanin, you just can't. Hating on your own people just means that you are painfully insecure. I'm sorry if social media, Indian matchmaking or even your own families have convinced you, that if you're not 5"7 and fair you're not beautiful. I hope it helps to know that I'm 5"3 and brown and I am extremely happy about it and you should be too. #endcolourism"
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