Netflix India dropped a major announcement today with the teaser of their upcoming Telugu anthology film, Pitta Kathalu, starring Eesha Rebba, Lakshmi Manchu, Amala Paul and Shruti Haasan. The 4-part anthology is directed by a corresponding number of big names from Tollywood, including Tharun Bhascker, B.V. Nandini Reddy, Nag Ashwin and Sankalp Reddy. From the teaser itself, Pitta Kathalu looks to be edgily satisfying, from the perspective of four strong women, whose stories we're already stoked for. Produced by Ronnie Screwvala's RSVP Movies and Ashi Dua Sara's Flying Unicorn Entertainment, Pitta Kathalu will premiere exclusively on 19th February on Netflix
BL Verdict: Without revealing much, the Pitta Kathalu teaser has us hooked for the trailer and actual film.
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