Today marks the birth anniversary of versatile actor Irrfan Khan, who left us last year on April 29. Filmmaker Shoojit Sircar, who directed him in Piku, was one of the first persons to know about Irrfan's health. While we no one can fill the place of this beloved star, the director revealed what Irrfan Khan told him during the last schedule of Piku, which will definitely make you emotional. Talking to E Times, Shoojit said, "On the last few days of his schedule of Piku, Irrfan would often say, 'Dada, can't we go on shooting like this? I am feeling like a free bird. I don't want this moment to stop. Please, aap kuch bhi kara lo mujhse. I can't explain this feeling. Can't we just go on and on?' I miss my Irrfan, today and every other day."
Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, who was associated with him for Rog, shared emotional words, which reads, "The sun goes down but its gentle warmth still lingers on the land. Today, on Irrfan's birthday, the memory of him fills me with warmth. 2020 has been a catastrophic year for the whole world. And for many of us, who have lost our loved ones, it has been brutal." He added, "Irfan, my friend, the memories of the time we spent together continues to flicker in my heart."
Irrfan Khan's son Babil also shared a throwback video on his birth anniversary with a caption, "You never identified with institutions such as contractual marriage and birthday celebrations. Perhaps, that is why I don't remember anyone's birthdays because you never remembered mine and never encouraged me to remember yours. It was just normal to us what seemed absurd from the outside, we celebrated everyday (bringing personal experiential authenticity to the cliche). On the occasion, Mamma would have to remind us both; but this time I could not forget yours if I tried. It's your birthday Baba. Shoutout to all the technologically inept parents, notice that they did not finish saying that they miss me."
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