Devoleena Bhattacharjee has entered the Bigg Boss 14 house as a proxy for Eijaz Khan. The Saath Nibhana Saathiya actress has been gaining a lot of attention inside the house since her entry. She has made a fair few connections inside the house and also has been at loggerheads with a few. Devoleena Bhattacharjee recently wore a ruffled jumpsuit on the show that has caught the attention of the audience. Devoleena has been dishing out a lot of style goals inside the house.
And the ruffled jumpsuit is from An'era couture by Asmita Verma. Called the Ruling Ruffled jumpsuit, it consists of a beige top and gray bottoms. Devoleena looked really pretty in that outfit. If you are planning to buy this ruling ruffled jumpsuit, you can buy it from An'era's website. But first, can you guess the price of this pretty outfit? Well, it can buy you a decent hair styling range. The approx price of Devoleena's outfit is Rs 6,000/-. Check out the videos and pictures of Devoleena Bhattacharjee in that outfit here:
Check out the cost of Devoleena's outfit below:
Since Devoleena had joined as Eijaz's proxy, the actress opened up on the same in an interview. "I am joining the show as Eijaz's proxy. He had established himself well and understood the game well. I will take his game and his interpersonal equations with other contestants forward. I will not spoil the dynamics that he has already established on the show nor will I will not ruin any relationships and commitments with his friends. At the same time, I will ensure that I don't call out the wrong things. As a proxy, I will definitely share my opinion and I'm sure that will enhance Eijaz's game in some way. There have been times when I felt he was in the wrong. So, I will try and resolve those issues as well. Fortunately, I don't take much time to understand people. I am a good judge of people and follow my instinct," she told ETimes.
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