Bigg Boss 14 contestants Abhinav Shukla and Rakhi Sawant have been in the news now for a while. This is because of their equation in the house. Rakhi Sawant likes Abhinav Shukla and has also said that she is in love with him. She used to support Abhinav and had even given him immunity when she had the power. We had seen how much fun they had earlier and Abhinav even helped Rakhi drape her saree during the family week. Rakhi Sawant fought with everyone in the house for Abhinav and Rubina. Even Rubina and Abhinav adored her but their relationship broke after the fans' interaction. During the session, one of the fans asked her why she was bitching about Abhinav and Rubina did not like it. Post that Rakhi Sawant began troubling Abhinav. She tore his underwear and kept moving around behind him all day. Rakhi Sawant also wrote Abhinav's name all over his body. She crossed her limits after she pulled his pant's strings.
Rubina Dilaik bashed Rakhi for this and warned her to stay away. Yesterday, Salman Khan gave a different perspective to this story. Salman Khan supported Rakhi and slammed Rubina and Abhinav for overreacting. He said that Abhinav was visible because of Rakhi Sawant and they should have made Rakhi understand privately and not humiliate her in public. Salman Khan told Rubina and Abhinav that they have completely misunderstood Rakhi Sawant. Salman Khan did ask Rakhi to be in her limits and not cross the line. Salman had also bashed Rubina and Abhinav for being good only to people who agree with whatever they say. Many fans on social media have said that Abhinav had earlier been very close to Rakhi and suddenly he started having an issue. Hence, we thought of asking fans whether they feel that even Abhinav Shukla used Rakhi Sawant for his benefit and to be visible in the game.
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