Ajinkya Rahane, led team India to a glorious Test series win in Australia. The historic win by the team filled our hearts with pride. Now, Ajinkya Rahane is chilling at home. The Indian vice-captain watched Suriya's Soorarai Pottru and loved the film. He wrote on his Insta stories that he loved the performance of the superstar as Maaran. The actor has said that he wants more Tamil movie recommendations from Indian spinner, R Ashwin. It is a known fact that R Ashwin is a huge movie buff. Tamil movie buffs are thrilled on knowing that he loved the movie.
#India vice-captain @ajinkyarahane88 watched and loved #sooraraipotru pic.twitter.com/zaY5X0dTnv
Sreedhar Pillai (@sri50) January 30, 2021
Fans of Suriya showered love on the cricketer. With his calm temperament, Ajinkya Rahane won hearts down under.
Great!! Kollywood will reach more heights?in box office master amaze world box office in ott soraraipotru surprass records.. Great frm kw stars.. Lot more from kw through valimai and annathe
M oJ Vj? (@manojvj16) January 30, 2021
@ashwinravi99 #Master solluvaru ? @actorvijay ?
hemanth kumar S (@Subrama97330675) January 30, 2021
#SooraraiPottru ???
A R T H I K (@Karthik__SFC) January 30, 2021
The film is based on the life of Captain P Gopinath of Air Deccan. He was the pioneer of the low cost flight concept in India. The movie is the top rated movie on OTT platforms by audiences. Suriya plays Maaran who wants to start an airline business. The film also stars Urvashi, Aparna Balamurali, Paresh Rawal and Krishakumar.
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