Actress Pavitra Punia faced a lot of backlash on social media after she abused Gauahar Khan in a fit of anger in Bigg Boss 14. It created a lot of headlines. Many felt that Pavitra's game suffered after Aly Goni mentioned about it inside the house. Pavitra Punia chatted with BollywoodLife. She EXCLUSIVLEY told us, "I was not affected after Aly told me about it. It was a reaction. And yes, I am a loud person, so my reaction was a heated one. I was even more upset as Sidharth (Shukla) felt really low. He was damn upset and kept on saying that we were out because of him. Inside the theatre room, he kept on saying the same thing that what was the need for an alliance."
Pavitra Punia further says, "I felt that Gauahar Khan took that task too personally. Honestly, the seniors did not have anything at stake. She made that alliance after Sidharth Shukla and Hina Khan had decided to play alone. If she was truly fair, she would have said let people play alone, and try their luck. She was constantly telling Rahul Vaidya and Jaan Kumar Sanu to show no mercy. We were two girls, Nikki Tamboli and I. If you talk so much about empowerment, then you should have told Rahul and Jaan to be careful as they were facing two women. But she told them to play hard. I had spent a couple of weeks inside and wanted to go ahead in the game. It was devastating to realise that we could not go ahead, because someone thought of an alliance when they had no stakes in it. I do not have anything against Gauahar. I respect her a lot. But if I feel someone is wrong, my reaction will be loud. I cannot sugar-coat things."
Sidharth Shukla and Pavitra Punia have worked together on the show, Love U Zindagi. They reconnected after a really long time. "I respect Sidharth, and I love him and how! We had such a great time reminiscing about our days together. He told me that he is putting his money on me. Sidharth said that nobody could compete with the Pavitra he knew ten years back. I told him that I had matured a lot over the years (laughs out loud). I cannot be as childish about things. But it was great to be with Sidharth. Besides Eijaz, he was my friend. Sidharth knows I cannot fake anything for fame or fans."
Of course, the hunk is in the news for Shona Shona, his music video with Shehnaaz Gill. "I have seen it. Shona Shona looks very sweet. The two of them are so adorable, I felt like pulling their cheeks," she signs off.
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