The wedding reception of Aditya Narayan and Shweta Agarwal took place at a suburban venue last evening. Comedy couple Bharti Singh and Haarsh Limbachiyaa had a ball at the wedding. Bharti Singh looked gorgeous in a white lehenga with red roses in her bun. Haarsh Limbachiyaa wore a black suit. This was the first public appearance of the couple after they got after being held by the Narcotics Control Bureau. They did not seem a bit hassled, and mingled freely with the guests. Bharti Singh and Haarsh posed happily and guests were damn happy to see the couple. A little over 80 gm of ganja was recovered from their office in Andheri.
The couple also share their wedding anniversary with Aditya Narayan and Shweta Agarwal. She posted pictures of them on the occasion of their third anniversary. She wrote that love gets tested at times.
Terence Lewis, Nia Sharma, Karan Mehra and others had sent love to the couple. Bharti Singh shared moments from their wedding on her Insta stories. They had married in a big fat destination wedding in Goa. The couple have found support even after their recent questioning. The Narcotics Control Bureau apparently got a tip-off from them from a dealer. The two got married for being together for six to seven years. He was the writer of her comedy shows. We wish them many more years of togetherness.
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