Aditya Narayan married his long-time girlfriend Shweta Agarwal in Mumbai. The marriage took place with a low-key ceremony in the suburbs. Aditya Narayan looked dapper in a creme sherwani with an emerald necklace. We saw videos of how Udit Narayan was dancing away at the function. His mom, Deepa was dressed in a pink Benarasi saree with a traditional drape. Udit Narayan opted for an orange sherwani. Viral Bhayani shared a number of videos of Aditya coming to his wedding venue with the baraat dancing. Now, fan clubs have shared videos of the Jaimala of the couple. We can see how cutely they lifted up Shweta Agarwal.
The two had been in a relationship since a while now. She looked radiant in an ivory lehenga with kundan jewellery. Take a look at some of the videos and pics...
There are some lovely pictures of the couple as well. Aditya Narayan's functions began with the traditional Tilak ceremony. They had a mix of Bihari and Punjabi rituals.
After the marriage of his bestie Neha Kakkar, Aditya Narayan too got married. We wish the couple a lifetime of togetherness.
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