Mumbai police have registered an FIR against a casting director for allegedly raping a 26- year-old TV actress under the pretext of marriage, a police official said on Monday. The FIR was registered last week after the actress submitted an application at Versova police station, accusing the casting director of raping her at various locations in the city after promising to marry her, the official said. The accused, also aged 26, and the victim knew each other since the last two years, he said.
The accused had assured the actress that he will marry her, but when he later refused to do so, the woman lodged the First Information Report (FIR), the official said. "We have registered the FIR against the accused under Indian Penal Code Section 376 (rape). No arrest has been made."
We are conducting an investigation into the case," Versova's senior police inspector Raghvendra Thakur said.
(As per inputs from PTI)
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