In a scary brush with fate singer-actor Vijay Yesudas, known more for his work in the South film industries, met with an accident last night, 2nd November, around 11:30 pm, near Thuravur junction in Alappuzha, Kochi, Kerala. As per reports, while driving, his car crashed headlong into another four-wheeler coming from the opposite direction. Vijay was returning from Thiruvananthapuram with a friend when the accident occurred. The heartening news is that the occupants of both motor vehicles are said to have escaped unhurt or with minor injuries. Vijay Yesudas himself is reported to have not suffered any injuries at all be it external or internal.
Nevertheless, all those involved in the accident had a very fortunate escape as the entire front portions of both cars were completely bashed in. After receiving information of the about the accident, cops from the nearby Kuthiyathode Police Station rushed to the spot to check on the victims. Since, they emerged unaffected from the accident, both Vijay and his friend left soon for their destination in another vehicle post a customary medical checkup. The police officers who arrived on the scene arranged for the damaged care to be shifted from the accident scene after concluding their investigation.
For the uninitiated, Vijay Yesudas is the son of legendary singer KJ Yesudas. The former recently completed 20 years in the Malayalam film industry, after which he vowed to never work as a playback singer again in Mollywood. In an interview that was published not so long ago, Vijay had said he had decided to stop lending his voice to Malayalam films as musicians receive no respect in the industry, and would henceforth only sing for Tamil and Telugu movies.
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