Popular comedian Bharti Singh and husband Harsh Limbachiya's Mumbai residence was raided by Narcotics Control Bureau on Saturday morning as per the news agency ANI report. As per the sources, Bharti and Harsh are said to be consuming banned substances. ANI reported this news as it tweeted, "Narcotics Control Bureau conducts a raid at the residence of comedian Bharti Singh in Mumbai: NCB."
Recently, Arjun Rampal's home was searched, and both he and his girlfriend, Gabriella Demetriades were summoned by NCB. ANI had confirmed this news and wrote, "Actor Arjun Rampal's girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades summoned by Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on 11th November. NCB conducted raid at the premises of Arjun Rampal today & summoned him on 11th November to join the investigation, in connection with a drug-related case," The Aankhen actor, who was questioned for six hours, said, "I am fully cooperating with the investigation. I have nothing to do with drugs. The medicine found at my residence was prescribed. The prescription has been found and handed over."
NCB director Sameer Wankhede raided a resort in Lonavala where Agisilaos (Gabriella's brother) was staying with his fiancee. The officer told mid-day, "Based on the search operation conducted at both the premises he was summoned. He confessed to consuming narcotic substances including cannabis and was arrested based on his statement and electronic evidence that surfaced during the probe." Wankhede added, "We suspect that the marketing work was a bogus business used by him to continue his chain of drug supply without the Indian agencies getting to know about it." On the other hand, Sameer told E Times, "We conducted a major strike in Western Mumbai and Navi Mumbai where we recovered ganja in commercial quantity, Mephedrone and other different drugs. We also intercepted five peddlers and based on that we conducted and recovered some drugs today morning from his house which was supposed to be part of the same seizur."
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