Imtiaz Ali's Tamasha starring Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor turned 5 on Friday, that is, 27th November 2020. The basic plot or the idea of the director was to narrate a story about two characters one who lives life on her terms and one who is forced to do something that he doesn't have his heart in. The film intended to spread the message of following one's heart and dreams rather than diving your life into a meaningless job, thus losing oneself. Ranbir played Ved and Deepika played Tara in the film. Tamasha was overall loved by the audience but was heavily criticised for unable to bring the plot together satisfactorily.
The film still has an immense recall value as it brought together, Ranbir and Deepika for the second time after their breakup. People still shipped them together and it was their undeniable chemistry that brought masses to the theatres. On the occasion of completion of five years of Tamasha, Deepika aka Tara as changed her profile picture on all of her social media handles and had also changed her name. She had also shared various fan arts of Tamasha. A couple of hours ago, Deepika shared a few stills from the film, straight from the archives that are a treat for her fans.
In the first picture, we see Ved and Tara in action (Deepika and Ranbir performing a scene), a BTS. In the second picture, we see Tara aka Deepika getting ready for a shot with a photobomb in the face of a clapper board. The third picture sees a joker and a robot, a scene from Ved's play. Ranbir is seen as a robot here. She put, "#5YearsOfTamasha #5YearsofTara @imtiazaliofficial #RanbirKapoor," in the caption. Check out Deepika's post below:
Talking about Tamasha, while the critics lauded the lead actor's chemistry and performances, they targeted the director for poorly constructing the screenplay and aligning the subplots into a smooth narrative.
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