Bollywood's rumoured couple Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal are all set to get married in a few days. The two will tie the knot in Rajasthan's Sawai Madhopur at a 700-year-old fort turned resort. Sources privy about the details of the wedding have been sharing bits about how private and secretive the whole thing is being planned to be. There are norms, rather restrictions on guests on almost everything when it comes to the wedding. Right from talking about it happening, to where and when it is taking place, to using phones and keeping in touch with the outside world or clicking or shooting videos about the grand do. Guests are barred from leaking any deets about the much talked about, much speculated VicKat wedding.
And now we know why this couple is keeping everything so secretive. A source close to the actress exclusively shares with BollywoodLife that Katrina and Vicky's wedding pictures rights are being sold to a leading international magazine's Indian edition. The actress and her team are in the final stage of discussions with the magazine and a whopping amount is being locked for the same. So all those who thought there will be ample pictures from the wedding that the couple will themselves share on social media post their big do, will have to wait a little longer.
Earlier, global star Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas had taken a similar route when their wedding pictures were sold to People magazine. The couple made an insane amount of USD 2.5 million in 2018. Now in 2021, we can only imagine what Vicky and Katrina would be making out of their wedding photos. Katrina Kaif has been regularly featured on the Indian edition of the international magazine Vogue. Also, Anaita Shroff Adajania is a Fashion Director for the magazine and Katrina's dear friend. So we wonder if that's the one that is leading the race in bagging the Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal's wedding pictures rights. We will know in due time.
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