Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra faced a lot in the last couple of months. Raj Kundra was arrested for alleged production and distribution of adult content via apps. He was arrested by the police in July. He got out on bail in September after staying in the custody for about two months. After getting out on bail, Raj Kundra has been keeping a low profile. A couple of days ago on their wedding anniversary, he was snapped by paps at a hotel for a date with Shilpa. However, he chose to ignore them and hid his face using an iPad. And a couple of days ago, he was yet again snapped with Shilpa Shetty at the airport. Raj was seen in a hoodie and had a mask on as well. He yet again ignored the paps. Raj was brutally trolled by the netizens for the same.
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