Last year, in April, we lost one of the gems of Indian cinema, Irrfan Khan. The Lunch Box actor had been battling a rare kind of cancer for two years. He was rushed to hospital for colon infection, but the star never returned home. It was one of the most tragic times and no one could've fathomd the difficulty Irrfan's family would have gone through after his demise. Since then, his eldest born, Babil, had been sharing some fond memories of his father, dishing out trivia for his fans. But it seems people have created a bubble, wherein every star kid doesn't have a heart, soul, or feelings. A son who lost his father cannot even revisit and cherish his father's legacy in peace, really?
Social media has gone to Tartarus. We bet even hell would be more peaceful and less toxic than social media. Furthermore, Babil Khan, who recently collected an award on his father's behalf, had faced some nasty comments from some journalists, too. Not one, not two, but about seven journalists had questioned him whether he was high on drugs when he walked the red carpet event at Filmfare Awards this year. And he recently revealed that people also accused him of cashing in on his father's legacy to make his career, which is the newest low right now. Just when we begin to think that people cannot stoop lower anymore, they surprise us with such stinking acts.
Who gives them the right to pass such comments and dish out ill-disposed opinions on anyone? What makes them think that no star kid is allowed to work in the Hindi film industry and should be boycotted? What makes them think that a doting son would cash in on his father's outstanding contribution to the entertainment world to make his career? Where did kindness and humanity go?
For the unversed, an Instagram user had asked Babil Khan as to when will he share something about his late father? The young man's response is too heartbreaking to even read, but here goes... "I loved sharing and then I get these Dms all the time saying that I'm using him to promote myself and that really hurts when in fact I was genuinely sharing memories to fill up the void that he left in his fans. So I'm so confused on what to do," he said while adding, "I'm trying to figure out, but it really hurts when random people message me saying I'm using his memory to gain clout like I needed to do that, I'm already his son, I never needed to do that to gain anything. Now I'm perplexed and a little hurt tbh. So I'll share when I feel like it's the right time."
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