Throwback to when Aamir Khan said he doesn't charge 'a single rupee' for his films

Bollywood megastar Aamir Khan, who is known as the Mr Perfectionist of the entertainment industry, is known for setting trends at the box office. The actor has inaugurated Rs 100 crore, Rs 20o, Rs 250, Rs 300 and Rs 350 crore clubs with his blockbusters. Despite being one of the most the most bankable stars of B-Town, you will be surprised to know that actor doesn't charge a single rupee before the release of his films. During an event, the actor had said, "I've stopped taking money upfront. I don't charge a single rupee for my films. If a film does well, first the investment is recouped. When everyone is paid and the cost is recovered, I earn a percentage in profits. So if a film doesn't work, I won't make money. But no one should suffer a loss, I feel responsible for that."

He further elaborated the model and said, "The model that I work on is, let's say a film costs 100 crore to make. So all the cost involved -- cast, crew, production -- I don't take any money. When the film releases, at that point I get zero money. As it starts to earn money, it goes towards the P&A (prints and advertising), which is over and above the 100 crore. Then, the investment is paid back. Now, the producer has recovered his cost. And then, I go into percentage of profits. There is no way the producer loses any money. So if the film sustains a loss, I don't get paid. The first rupee I earn is when the costs have been recovered."

On the professional front, Aamir Khan will be next seen in Laal Singh Chaddha, which is the adaptation of Tom Hanks' Forrest Gump. The film is directed by Advait Chandan and also features Kareena Kapoor Khan and Mona Singh in pivotal roles. It is set to hit the screens during the Christmas weekend.

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