After its successful run on Doordarshan, Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan had returned after 33 years on television last year on popular demand. The show had clocked record-breaking TRPs during its rerun. Well guess what! The blockbuster mythological series has again started airing daily on Star Bharat at 7 pm. And once again, it has sparked hilarious memes on social media that have taken the internet by storm, just like they had last year as well.
#IPL2021 #Ramayan
Akassh Agrawaal (@akasshagrawaal) April 10, 2021
#Ramayana Meme
Unsocially M'idiotic (@m_idiotic) April 1, 2020
#memes #trendingmemes #indianmemes #meme #Ramayan #Ramayana
When your brother/sister suddenly starts respecting you:
Anirudh Tiwari (@weird_scenario) April 19, 2020
#Ramayana #Ramayan #Ramayanamemes #Lakshman #Memes
When I say kal se pakka padhunga
My phone to me:
Anirudh Tiwari (@weird_scenario) April 19, 2020
India Watches #RamayanOnDDNational :
According to BARC, the re-telecast of #RAMAYAN garnered the highest ever rating for a Hindi GEC show since 2015,which is a remarkable feat?
Time is ripe for a #Doordarshan OTT platform? Sharing some #memes. #Shaktimaan #Ramayana #Mahabharata
Ankur Lahoty, IIS (@Ankur_IIS) April 3, 2020
Ramayan, which became the most-watched entertainment show in the world, was first aired in 1987. The show features Arun Govil as Ram along with Dipika Chikhlia as Sita, and Arvind Trivedi as Raavan. Lalita Pawar played Manthara and Dara Singh portrayed Hanuman.
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