Shraddha Arya and Dheeraj Dhoopar's show Kundali Bhagya has always managed to win audiences' hearts with their love-hate relationship. The makers have kept audiences glued to their show with their unique storyline and plot. In the latest episode of Kundali Bhagya, Kritika reveals all the truth about Akshay as she says that Preeta helped her out. The entire Luthra family gets shocked to hear the truth and feels bad about Preeta. On the other side, Sarla tries hard to get her daughter Preeta out of jail but is unable to do so.
In the upcoming episode of Kundali Bhagya, Prithvi gets tensed as he has to arrange Rs 50 lakhs to give to the blackmailer who knows about Akshay. Prithvi informs the same Sherlyn and the two get scared. Prithvi tells Sherlyn to give her jewelry but she denies it as she has promised to give it to Pammi who is also blackmailing her. Soon, Prithvi and Sherlyn decide to steal ancestral jewelry from Mahesh's locker. Meanwhile, Sameer and Srishti keep an eye on Mahira who is threatened by a person of her acquaintance.
Pammi praises Preeta and Rakhi gets happy listening to her. But Rakhi gets shocked as Pammi hints at her about Sherlyn's character. Soon, Karan goes to meet Preeta in the jail and plans to get her out on bail. Preeta gets happy seeing Karan and goes to hug him. But he stops her and questions her if she is the only one responsible to look after the Luthra? Preeta gets shocked listening to him. Karan tells Preeta that Kritika revealed the entire truth in front of everyone. What will happen next? Will Karan be able to get Preeta out of jail? Stay tuned for more updates on Kundali Bhagya.
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