Rahul Vaidya and Disha Parmar are enjoying a small vacation in some undisclosed location. The couple took off in a chopper for the destination. Some fans wrote it was Rahul Vaidya's private plane. Anyways, the house are at a gorgeous destination and enjoying some quality time with friends. Disha Parmar shared her pics wearing Rahul's sweatshirt. On Sunday afternoon, the two decided to play a game of cricket. The sport is Rahul Vaidya's first love. Well, that resonates with millions of Indians globally. Disha Parmar did batting while he was bowling. Now, we have seen Rahul Vaidya's cricket skills inside the Bigg Boss 14 house. It is Disha Parmar who manages to cleanly hit the ball surprising Rahul Vaidya and his friends.
Doesn't this remind you of Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma? India's power couple were also seen playing cricket during the lockdown. The video went viral and how. Well, Disha Parmar is no pushover as we can see that she can place the bat on ball very nicely. The lady posted a picture of the bungalow and of a fireplace. The two are surely chilling out, and the making the most of the last of the winter chill.
The couple are planning to marry in June or July. The Indian Idol singer landed up as the second runner-up of Bigg Boss 14. Disha Parmar was cheering for him from outside. The singer proposed to her for marriage on the show. It was one of the moments of Bigg Boss 14. They are in a relationship for two years now. Disha Parmar is known for her shows Pyaar Ka Dard Hai Meetha Meetha Pyaara Pyaara and Woh Apna Sa. Surely, the couple is setting goals and how!
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