Deepika Padukone's Levi's ad accused of plagiarism — deets inside

Deepika Padukone's new Levi's ad, where we see the gorgeous beauty grooving on Koi Yaha Naache Naache, has garnered controversy, after it was claimed that the set of the advertisement was identical to Sooni Taraporevala's Yeh Ballet. In fact, Rupin Suchak, who is the set designer confirmed the similarity between the sets to E Times and said that it was ad director Nadia Marquard Otzen idea to recreate it as his reply to a tweet reads, "Yes we did :) in fact that's what our director wanted so we had to recreate that".

Sooni Taraporewala lashed out on Instagram with a long post, which reads, "A couple days ago someone brought this @levis_in ad to my attention. I was shocked to see our Yeh Ballet dance studio set in this ad, because it was conceptualized & created out of a derelict space by @shalzoid (our PD) from scratch and dismantled after our shoot. Basically @nadiaeye (the director of this ad) saw Yeh Ballet and decided to plagiarize our set down to the very last detail (swipe for screenshot). Would Levi's and the director ever think of doing that in the west without permission / acknowledgment, and pasing it off as their own creative work? This is not homage this is intellectual theft! It's SO unfair to our wonderful production designer @shalzoid to have her work ripped off like that."

She added, "Copycat culture in India needs to be called out and cancelled. You would think a foreign production company and director would know better. Are you so creatively bankrupt? What were you thinking? @levis_in @nadiaeye @offroadfilms @rupinsuchak PS. contrary to what clickbait news headlines say, this has nothing to do with Deepika Padukone or anyone else in the cast."

So, what are your thoughts on this ad? Tweet and let us know @bollywood_life.

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