Today is Sushant Singh Rajput's 35th birth anniversary. The talented actor breathed his last on June 14, 2020, leaving millions in shock. He was very close to his mother, who had passed away when he was but a kid. Way before he made his Bollywood debut, the actor had paid tribute to his mom on Jhalak Dikhhla Ja 4, where he had danced on Luka Chuppi from the film, Rang De Basanti. The audience as well as the jury were left in tears. Just as his emotional performance got over, his then-girlfriend, Ankita Lokhande rushed on stage to give him a big hug. Have a look at the video below:
Before the performance, the actor had said, "I had always wanted to do this as I lost my mom in 1992. Even my smallest of achievements used to make her happy. She used to be very happy with all the small things I used to do. She would be very happy if she was alive today. I talk to my mom in this performance that everything she wanted for me is happening now but she is not there."
In a past interview to DNA, the actor had spoken about his mom. He had said, "It's not that I miss her only when something good or bad happens to me. I wouldn't lie but I am not incessantly thinking of her. I wish she was alive to see me succeed in life. I am sure she would have been really happy and proud of me. And maybe I would have been a different person than what I am now. The way I looked at things then and now, they are very different and I cannot go back to doing that."
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