Fans of late Sushant Singh Rajput got a bad news on Saturday morning as news emerged that his maternal cousin brother, Rajkumar Singh has been shot by gunmen at Bihar's Saharsa. It seems he was shot outside his showroom at 10.30 am in the morning. Three unidentified gunmen on a bike shot at him and his colleague. He is the owner of three Yamaha showrooms. The SP of the town, Lipi Singh has confirmed the news. As of now, the cops are unable to track down the people who carried out the attack. His cousin is in hospital and his condition is quite critical.
It seems Rajkumar Singh and his aide Ali Hasan were attacked as they were travelling to the adjoining town of Madhepura. As per India TV, SP Lipi Singh said, "When Raj Kumar and Ali Hasan reached at Baijnathpur Chowk near Saharsa college, three unidentified men overtook their vehicles and opened fire at them. We have vital leads of this incident and the accused will be arrested soon." It looks like it was some property dispute, but the police has not ruled out the extortion angle. Rajkumar Singh owns three Yamaha showrooms in Saharsa, Supaul and Madhepura. It seems Ali Hasan's condition is very critical.
The late actor's father lives Patna, Bihar. He was also hospitalised some days back in Faridabad's Asian Heart Institute. It is not known if he is back in Patna or not. An official of the Saharsa Police said, "Prima facie its look to be a case of property dispute between Raj Kumar Singh and the assailants. However we are not ruling out the extortion angle. We are investigating all angles."
Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead at his residence on June 14, 2020. As of now, the CBI is investigating his demise. They have not submitted the closure report.
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