Bigg Boss 14 will see the family/connection week in some time. As per The Real Khabri, the channel has approached many people to come as connections for popular contestants. Of course, there is a lot of talk about how Ritesh, the husband of Rakhi Sawant might come as a connection. However, the Real Khabri in his YouTube channel has said that the makers are talking to a former winner to come as her connection on the show. It could be Vindu Dara Singh. And it is clear that Disha Parmar is not coming for Rahul Vaidya. As parents are not allowed, the makers are looking out for siblings/celeb friends to come as connections.
The Real Khabri said that it is highly unlikely that fans will get to see Ritesh on the show. He also said it was doubtful if Ritesh really existed or not. So far, the only interviews he has given are on the phone. No one has seen his face so far. Jasmin Bhasin has said that she will come as a connection for Aly Goni if required on the show.
#BiggBoss14 FamilyWeek #update
Confirmed Update on Family Week
As we Know @disha11parmar denied being part of it as she thinks she has more Things in life to do other than wasting 1 Week for #RahulVaidya in BB14 Hous
More detailson Contestants here?
The Khabri (@TheRealKhabri) January 31, 2021
To make Fool of #RahulVaidya Fans @disha11parmar said on twitter his game will be strong without her ? Every1 knows He will get stronger after her entry
Fact is she earlier said to IndiaForums she can't stay in house? Means Rahul is not that Important to waste 1 Week for him
The Khabri (@TheRealKhabri) January 31, 2021
Well, fans would have loved to see Disha Parmar inside the house. It seems Arshi Khan's brother Farhan has already left from Bhopal to be a part of the show.
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