Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 actress Devoleena Bhattacharjee, who recently entered the Bigg Boss house as the proxy for Eijaz Khan, opened up about Rubina Dilaik showing her pinky finger in the show, which was criticised by the fans. The TV actress said that during their season housemates showed their middle-finger but no one was bashed than why people are targeting the Shakti actress. Devoleena told E Times, " I feel even if Rubina has shown pinky finger with the intention of middle finger and if she had really meant it she would have owned it up and have felt embarrassed. And I found her justification genuine that since Arshi Khan was getting irked she continued to show her little finger. I don't think she was wrong. She was just teasing. And even if she showed what's wrong, in our season, people crossed all limits and have shown middle fingers so many times. That time nobody raised their voice so why now? There are many instances which raise questions in our minds because we saw so many nasty things happening in our season and nobody said anything. From pushing, abusing, to showing the middle everything has happened in my season."
She also went on to say that if Rahul Vaidya and Aly Goni will mess up with her, they won't be spared. "I will give it back to Aly Goni and Rahul if they mess up with me. I know these contestants and have worked with some of them. Aly is my friend from outside but that is outside and inside we will be competitors. It's not necessary if we are friends from outside I will like their game play in the show also. And it is not necessary also that if I find someone's game good from outside I will like them inside the show also. It all depends when I enter the show and see it for myself with whom my vibe matches. Though I don't have much time, I will try to observe things fast and move on with the game."
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