Popular TV actress Rupali Ganguly, who is currently winning our hearts with her portrayal in Anupamaa, said that she is more like Monisha Sarabhai from her popular show Sarabhai vs Sarabhai. Talking to BT, she said, "I am like Monisha Sarabhai in real life. I like laughing and having fun all the time, and I make sure people around me have fun, too. I like watching lots of television when I have time on my hands. Family for me is my priority and nothing replaces them for me."
Speaking about her love for stray animals, she asserted, "What I'm absolutely addicted to is loving animals on the streets. I love hugging stray dogs and feeding them. I like to meet the stray animals near my house and also in filmcity (Mumbai) where I shoot for the show. And finally, I would say that I got my due as an actor through 'Anupamaa'." Speaking about the current infedility track in Anupamaa, she added, "The current track shows how Anupamaa is being cheated on by her husband. To be honest, I can't compare this situation to my own life because I can't even imagine something like this happening to me. My husband (Ashwin K Verma) is a very kind man and has always supported me. It's beyond my imagination that he would ever cheat on me. This is something that I will never be able to relate to."
Talking about her bond with husband Ashwin Verma, she told the news portal, "We share a deep and strong bond. I feel like I am married to my best friend. I share everything with him - whatever happens on the sets or otherwise. In the same way, he shares everything with me, too. Despite the fact that we don't get to spend a lot of time together since I am shooting for 14 hours daily, we still have an amazing connection and are very close to each other."
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