The versatile actress of Bollywood Dimple Kapadia, made her Hollywood debut recently with Christopher Nolan's mega-budget venture Tenet, which turned out to be a success at the box office. While the audience are raving about her performance, the actress revealed that earlier, when she got an audition, she thought it was a prank as why the filmmaker like Nolan, would want her in the film. The actress also called the filmmaker a man of few words and said that she loved Prestige and called it a masterpiece.
Speaking about bagging the role in Tenet, Dimple told E Times, "I got a call for an audition, which I thought was a prank call. Why would Christopher Nolan want me for his film? I am nowhere on the radar. I told my nephew (Karan Kapadia), 'Koi meri taang kheench raha hoga. Don't get your hopes too high.' I wondered what if I couldn't remember my lines to save my life! I don't do auditions anymore (smiles!). Then I thought let me give it a shot to see whether I can do it. I did it and sent it across. Then I was told that Nolan is coming to India and I was requested to do an audition for him. I went with Karan to take a picture with Nolan, and thought 'Part toh milne wala hai nahin, photo hi sahi.' When I got the part, I was nervous and was wondering how do I prepare for the role. I told my mother, 'Mom, your daughter is working with one of the biggest directors in the world.' I haven't seen her smile like that in years."
The actress praised the director and asserted, "He does one reading with his actors. If he is satisfied with it, there are no further instructions. Just do your job, if he feels something is not up to the mark or hasn't been briefed to you well, he will come in. But otherwise, he is totally focussed on seeing your performance. He watches you very closely like a hawk. All you have to do is be there and do what is required. He doesn't push you around at all."
Dimple revealed that she is a huge Nolan fan and said, "I am a huge fan of his work, especially The Prestige, which I have seen four times. It's a masterpiece. That is what cinema is to me and that is what I told my nephew (Karan) when I saw it for the first time. We even watched it together. I don't watch many movies and I completely forgot the name of the director. Cut to Tenet, when I told Karan that I was called to audition for some Christopher Nolan, he saw a question mark on my face and said, "That's Nolan your favourite director The Prestige!' Then it hit me and I couldn't believe it. I was stunned and shocked, and of course, very happy."
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