The drama in Bigg Boss house is going to be extra tonight. The channel had released a promo a couple of minutes ago in which we see a lot of people shocked with the behaviour of Julie aka Rakhi Sawant. Julie is a character played by Rakhi Sawant on the show. Now, as per the promo, we will see Rakhi Sawant participating in the captaincy task as Julie. And while performing the task, she'll grab Rahul Vaidya by his neck. Rakhi is also seen sitting on Rahul Mahajan's lap. She later could be seen dragging out in the law area where the whole set up has been created. Rahul Mahajan cried out saying, "Meri dhoti chhod do." After a while, we see Rakhi Sawant completely tearing Rahul's dhoti. This infuriates the men inside the house. Even Arshi Khan is quite shocked by the incident.
Rahul Vaidya then reprimands Rakhi asking her how she can pull dhoti the way she did. We see, Rakhi Sawant standing outside the house with Abhinav Shukla, Rahul Vaidya, Aly Goni and Vikas Gupta standing outside the glass door as though in protest. They call out Rakhi for her behaviour. Aly Goni lashes out at her saying, "Ye kisi aurat ke saath hota to chalta?" Check out the video below:
Earlier, Rakhi Sawant's husband had lashes out at Rahul for calling her cheap. In an interview with ETimes, he slammed Rahul Mahajan for his words. He said, "All the things that Rahul Mahajan said against Rakhi Sawant don't suit him. If you look at his family background, he belongs to a family which has political connections. His late father and now his sister both have been political leaders. So, when he is saying Rakhi Sawant has cheap fans he is directly taking a dig at the aam janta the public who have voted for his father and sister. This shows he has superiority complex and by abusing the public he is ruining the things his sister and father have done so far in their careers. So, I would request the aaj janta, public who are watching it please give him a befitting reply through your votes to him."
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