Siddharth Gupta who is on cloud nine over the success of his music video, Vaaste spoke about his close friend, late actor Sushant Singh Rajput recently. He spoke about how the actor inspired him on a daily basis, and taught him to take risks in life. Siddharth Gupta was a part of Sushant Singh Rajput's Pro Team in 2018. He was there along with Kushal Zaveri and Samuel Haokip. Siddharth Gupta also travelled with Sushant Singh Rajput to places like Paris and Thailand.
He told Pinkvilla that Sushant Singh Rajput messaged him five days before his death. He had also texted Kushal Zaveri, who was known to him since his Pavitra Rishta days. Siddharth Gupta told Pinkvilla, "When this message came, I remember talking to Kushal. I told him that I felt there might be something off because this wasn't him entirely being so out there. Kushal had messaged him back saying let's catch up soon and do the things we were doing. My aim was to not intrude his space but I was expecting, because of that text, I am going to be able to meet him very soon and I will get to know what has happened. I sensed something."
He also spoke about how they had lost touch for close to a year. It seems Siddharth Gupta did not have his new number. This is something that has been said by many of his friends. Everyone said that they lost contact and did not have access. Siddharth Gupta further told Pinkvilla, "But obviously, I didn't have his number, Kushal recently got it. We didn't know where he was putting up at that time. Not in a million years, we could have thought of anything going wrong."
The young man who is seen in the music video, Besharam Bewafa said that he is gutted with the loss. He told Pinkvilla, "I feel gutted. It's a huge loss for every one of us. I always followed what he was doing but he had moved on in his life. He had a different set of people that he was staying with." We hope the CBI submits its report soon, and people get the closure they deserve.
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